Mobile Patrol
LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. offers mobile patrol to its clients. Mobile patrol is a very cost effective means of providing security to your residence or place of business. Our vehicles are detailed as security vehicles and are very visible to those that may have criminal intentions. Our security vehicles allow you to have the look of full time security without the price of full time security. Our vehicles will drive around your property or station on your timetable to give you the most cost effective means of visibility.
Our investigators do not simply take a few classes in college or a private detective school and then provide you with service. At LawDog, we only use active or retired police officers and detectives with real life experience in the investigative fields to specialize in your case. We understand your situation is very specific and must be handled with the utmost discretion, and that is why we only utilize professional and trained investigators to conduct your investigation.
LawDog Investigators take pride in providing reports that are accurate and professionally written, and we will stand by reports should you need us to be called upon in a court of law. We report the facts and provide the documentation to support those facts.
The consulting team of LawDog security will sit down with you or your company and go over all of your concerns and needs. We will then provide you with a detailed report with our recommendations as well as a detailed proposal. Our team will work with you to ensure that your needs are met while maintaining your security budget and ultimately accomplishing your goals.
In today’s economy, for most companies the dollar is the bottom line. At LawDog, we understand the need for client’s to be as budget conscious as possible. However, we do not let that affect the quality of services that we provide. Through an open line with our clients, we work to maximize savings while at the same time maximizing our services. We only choose the best guards and investigators available while still keeping the cost to a minimum. At LawDog, we work with you to provide the best service possible while keeping your budget at a minimum.
LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. works in all security and investigation markets from unarmed and armed guards and off duty police officers to Security Management to Close Circuit Video Systems (CCTV) to forensic investigations and domestic surveillance.
As a business there are few things that should be asking yourself to determine if you could benefit from our services:
- Does my current security company provide the best possible service at the lowest possible price without sacrificing service?
- Do I actually know what my security risks are, and if I do, do I have a system in place to eliminate or minimize them?
- Are my employees and assets protected against theft, criminal damage, and assault and/or battery?
- Do I have enough security or am I paying for too much security?
- Do I actually know who is working for me or providing me with current services?
- Do I have a means of talking with a person in real time in order to assist me should an emergency arise?
- Are the guards that are currently assigned to my property properly licensed and validated by both state and federal background checks?
If you answered no or I don’t know to any of these questions, please give LawDog a call and let us give you a free consultation and proposal as well as the peace of mind of knowing that you have a security company that is here for you.

LawDog Security and Investigations Inc. is a fully licensed and insured company which has never been disciplined or found liable in any suits.