Category: Business Security

Signs Your Company Needs Armed Security

We live in a weird world right now where some people are stealing from businesses and getting away with it, without real consequences. We see this happening far too often in big cities. Furthermore, chain stores are pulling out of neighborhoods where stealing are rampant. In some places, law enforcement is unsure how to handle… Read more »

What’s Better: Security Officers or Security Cameras?

What’s better: security officers or security cameras? It depends on who you ask, and what you want to accomplish. Security cameras today are a lot different than ones from years past. Thermal imaging, panoramic technology, “smart” cameras, embedded analytics, and the ability to stream to mobile devices are all technological advancements that have improved surveillance… Read more »

Make Preventing Workers’ Compensation Fraud a Priority

Workers’ compensation fraud is something employers work hard to avoid because it ends up costing them a pretty penny… yet plenty of employees commit this criminal offense each year.  There’s claim-related fraud, where an employee falsely claims a work-related injury or illness (or exaggerates an existing injury/illness) in order to gain a workers’ comp insurance… Read more »

When You Should Consider Having an Executive Protection Officer Nearby

When should executives consider having protection? If they ever feel the need to be physically shielded from maddening crowds or angry workers, then they should have at least one executive protection officer around them. Furthermore, in today’s world, executives may need protection officers to help protect “codes,” “keys,” and other important data and/or computer-related information… Read more »

Tips for Preventing Fraud In Your Business

We want to think of people as inherently good and trustworthy but the reality is that some steal and/or commit crimes. Businesses and organizations lose revenue due to employee fraud. Detection and prevention become important to many businesses and organizations in order to combat this almost inevitable problem. Types of fraud can involve the misappropriation… Read more »