Category: Security Services

How Undercover Operatives Can Help Your Company

If you ever watched TV in the 1980s, you probably saw a show or two that featured a “narc.” This was typically a person who looked young enough to pass as a high school student. He was typically sent into the school to look, act and speak like a fellow student, hanging out with the… Read more »

Here’s How Off Duty Police Officers Can Help Your Business

There’s something intimidating about a police officer, isn’t there? If you’ve ever been pulled over while driving, and a police officer approached your car, you know the feeling you got when that happened. It was clear that they were “in charge” and you had to respect them. Indeed, the police’s authority and presence carries a… Read more »

The Common Traits of a Good Security Guard

What do you do if you’re a homeowners’ association (for example) who hires a security firm that doesn’t do their job well? You find another firm to take care of business. Some security guards are lazy and misguided. Instead of making their rounds, walking paths they’re supposed to check hourly, and/or writing down stuff they… Read more »

Do I need Armed or Unarmed Security Guards for My Event?

Generally, security guards are either armed or unarmed. That means they either carry a gun (or some other weapon) or they don’t. When do you need armed vs. unarmed security for your event? Armed guards have taken the time to be licensed to carry firearms. They’re trained on how to use them. You’d want armed… Read more »