Employees Online Shopping While At Work

It’s that time of the season where customers do most of their shopping for the holidays. As the mobile and computer technology has increased, less and less of the holiday shoppers are going into the stores to do their shopping. Instead of fighting the mobs and getting trampled by fellow shoppers, the savvy customer is… Read more »

Workplace Violence – Preparation, Management and Prevention

Work place violence is not something that the average worker thinks about on a regular basis. In fact, workplace violence is something you probably shrug off and don’t even realize how often it really happens. The fact of the matter is that can and does happen, and that is frightening. No person involved in a… Read more »

Business Security Is Not A Luxury Anymore

In a post-911 era, the security profession has seen its fair share of ups and downs. The recession affected many business’s security budgets and both operational and IT security took hits. But since 2011, security spending is back on the rise. There was a recent forecast coming from a 2014 report and survey, called “The… Read more »

If the White House Can Be Breached, How Can I Be Safe?

In the recent wake of White House and Secret Service security lapses in the last few weeks, it’s crucial for the American population to realize that those events are not a common occurrence when dealing with all security companies. And even though the lapses in some of America’s highest security agencies are big news in… Read more »

Being Safe with Online Dating

When you are searching for love, being behind the computer is the epitome of a “blind date” because it’s one of the hardest ways to trust the person who is on the other side. With “catfishing” becoming the social trend, you don’t want to place your heart in the hands of someone who might be… Read more »

Summer Event Security: Better to Be Safe than Sorry

Every year after a long winter, people all across Chicago look forward to the return of sunshine, warm weather and of course, all of the incredible summer events featured throughout the area. Regardless of whether it’s a festival, concert or carnival, hundreds and thousands of people come out to enjoy the fun. For the show-runners… Read more »

Let Us Help Locate Your Missing Person

Whether you are trying to locate a lost family member or are searching for a character witness as part of litigation, most people don’t even think about utilizing the skills of a private investigator until their attorney suggests it. This may be due to sheer oversight or the fear that professional investigating services can be… Read more »

Tis the Season to Prevent Store Theft and Ensure Customer Safety

The holidays are here and that means thankfulness, valuable time spent with family and of course, the exchanging of gifts. However, the holidays can also be a very stressful time of year. Many folks endure monetary struggles and the feeling of inadequacy if they cannot measure up to those around them. The stress to spend,… Read more »

Keeping Your Child Safe Online with Digital and Computer Forensics

With the last few years and counting being wildly regarded as the “Digital Age,” we’ve seen more and more children become progressively familiar with typing their own name rather than physically writing it. Children as young as ten years old have their own cell phones and in some cases, even their own laptops or tablets…. Read more »

Knowing When You’ve Hired the Right Security Company

Hiring the right security company can be a daunting task; whether you are a business in need of security guard services or a private party in need of investigation work, you want to make sure that you are in capable hands. Whatever the reason for your search may be, it is very important that you… Read more »